Plenary Speaker
- Hideo Hosono (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Title: “Exploring Novel Materials for Electronic Applications”
Tutorial Speaker
- Jun Suda (Kyoto University, Japan)
Title: “Fundamentals of Wide-band-gap Semiconductor Power Devices
– Important Technologies to Realize Ideal Power Devices -“
Invited Speakers
- Zbigniew Galazka (Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth, Germany)
Title: “Bulk Growth and Properties of High Quality beta-Ga2O3 , In2O3 and SnO2 Single Crystals” - Masaya Oda (FLOSFIA, Japan)
Title: “Mist Epitaxy Growth of α-Ga2O3 and Its Power Device Application” - Jim Speck (University of California Santa Barbara, U.S.A.)
Title: “Progress in PAMBE Growth of β-Ga2O3“ - Filip Tuomisto (Aalto University, Finland)
Title: “Vacancy Defects in SnO2, In2O3, and Ga2O3 Studied with Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy” - Joel B. Varley (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, U.S.A.)
Title: “Understanding the Electronic and Optical Properties of β-Ga2O3“ - Holger von Wenckstern (Universität Leipzig, Germany)
Title: “Growth and Investigation of Group-III Sesquioxides and Fabrication of Basic Devices Thereon”